Sunday, May 10, 2009

SBY, Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Profille

# Country: Indonesia
# Hometown: Pacitan, Now in Istana Negara Jl. Merdeka Barat Jkt
# Schools (Other):

AKABRI Darat tahun 1973, Master in Management dari Webster University, Amerika Serikat, Institut Pertanian Bogor, dan di 2004 meraih Doktor Ekonomi Pertanian.. Pada 2005, memperoleh anugerah dua Doctor Honoris Causa, masing-masing dari Webster University untuk ilmu hukum, dan dari Thammasat University di Thailand ilmu politik.

Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono adalah Presiden RI ke enam dan Presiden pertama yang dipilih langsung oleh Rakyat Indonesia. Bersama Drs. M. Jusuf Kalla sebagai wakil presidennya, beliau terpilih dalam pemilihan presiden di 2004 dengan mengusung agenda "Indonesia yang lebih Adil, Damai, Sejahtera dan Demokratis", mengungguli Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri dengan 60% suara pemilih. Pada 20 Oktober 2004 Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat melantik beliau menjadi Presiden.
Presiden SBY, seperti banyak rakyat memanggilnya, lahir pada 9 September 1949 di Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Seorang ilmuwan teruji, beliau meraih gelar Master in Management dari Webster University, Amerika Serikat tahun 1991. Lanjutan studinya berlangsung di Institut Pertanian Bogor, dan di 2004 meraih Doktor Ekonomi Pertanian.. Pada 2005, beliau memperoleh anugerah dua Doctor Honoris Causa, masing-masing dari almamaternya Webster University untuk ilmu hukum, dan dari Thammasat University di Thailand ilmu politik.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meraih lulusan terbaik AKABRI Darat tahun 1973, dan terus mengabdi sebagai perwira TNI sepanjang 27 tahun. Beliau meraih pangkat Jenderal TNI pada tahun 2000. Sepanjang masa itu, beliau mengikuti serangkaian pendidikan dan pelatihan di Indonesia dan luar negeri, antara lain Seskoad dimana pernah pula menjadi dosen, serta Command and General Staff College di Amerika Serikat. Dalam tugas militernya, beliau menjadi komandan pasukan dan teritorial, perwira staf, pelatih dan dosen, baik di daerah operasi maupun markas besar. Penugasan itu diantaranya, Komandan Brigade Infanteri Lintas Udara 17 Kostrad, Panglima Kodam II Sriwijaya dan Kepala Staf Teritorial TNI.
Selain di dalam negeri, beliau juga bertugas pada misi-misi luar negeri, seperti ketika menjadi Commander of United Nations Military Observers dan Komandan Kontingen Indonesia di Bosnia Herzegovina pada 1995-1996.
Setelah mengabdi sebagai perwira TNI selama 27 tahun, beliau mengalami percepatan masa pensiun maju 5 tahun ketika menjabat Menteri di tahun 2000. Atas pengabdiannya, beliau menerima 24 tanda kehormatan dan bintang jasa, diantaranya Satya Lencana PBB UNPKF, Bintang Dharma dan Bintang Maha Putra Adipurna. Atas jasa-jasanya yang melebihi panggilan tugas, beliau menerima bintang jasa tertinggi di Indonesia, Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna.
Sebelum dipilih rakyat dalam pemilihan presiden langsung, Presiden Yudhoyono melaksanakan banyak tugas-tugas pemerintahan, termasuk sebagai Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi serta Menteri Koordinator Politik, Sosial dan Keamanan pada Kabinet Persatuan Nasional di jaman Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid. Beliau juga bertugas sebagai Menteri Koordinator Politik dan Keamanan dalam Kabinet Gotong-Royong di masa Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri. Pada saat bertugas sebagai Menteri Koordinator inilah beliau dikenal luas di dunia internasional karena memimpin upaya-upaya Indonesia memerangi terorisme.
Presiden Yudhoyono juga dikenal aktif dalam berbagai organisasi masyarakat sipil. Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Co-Chairman of the Governing Board of the Partnership for the Governance Reform, suatu upaya bersama Indonesia dan organisasi-organisasi internasional untuk meningkatkan tata kepemerintahan di Indonesia. Beliau adalah juga Ketua Dewan Pembina di Brighten Institute, sebuah lembaga kajian tentang teori dan praktik kebijakan pembangunan nasional.
Presiden Yudhoyono adalah seorang penggemar baca dengan koleksi belasan ribu buku, dan telah menulis sejumlah buku dan artikel seperti: Transforming Indonesia: Selected International Speeches (2005), Peace deal with Aceh is just a beginning (2005), The Making of a Hero (2005), Revitalization of the Indonesian Economy: Business, Politics and Good Governance (2002), dan Coping with the Crisis - Securing the Reform (1999). Ada pula Taman Kehidupan, sebuah antologi yang ditulisnya pada 2004. Presiden Yudhoyono adalah penutur fasih bahasa Inggris.
Presiden Yudhoyono adalah seorang Muslim yang taat. Beliau menikah dengan Ibu Ani Herrawati dan mereka dikaruniai dengan dua anak lelaki. Pertama adalah Letnan Satu Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, lulusan terbaik Akademi Militer tahun 2000 yang sekarang bertugas di satuan elit Batalyon Lintas Udara 305 Kostrad. Putra kedua, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, mendapat gelar bidang Ekonomi dari Curtin University, Australia.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, also known by his initials SBY, won over voters in Indonesia's first democratic elections with his image as a man of integrity, a strong communicator and firm leader in times of crisis.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (23/4/04)
A strong image is seen as key
Mr Yudhoyono is probably best known internationally for his leading role in Indonesia's fight against terrorism in the wake of the Bali bombing in 2002.

His speech on the anniversary of the attack was seen as one of the strongest delivered by any Indonesian leader on an issue which is still politically sensitive.

But critics say the former military commander is surprisingly indecisive, tending to consider all perspectives and opinions before making up his mind.

Budi Santoso, chairman of Mr Yudhoyono's Democrat party, agrees he is a thoughtful man, but says he is capable of making decisive moves when necessary.

"For example, while other presidential candidates where still looking about for suitable running mates, Susilo had already chosen Jusuf Kalla as his vice president," Mr Santoso said.

I understand what [people] feel; I know their expectations
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
The man dubbed "the thinking general" was born in 1949 in East Java.

The son of a retired army lieutenant, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono graduated from Indonesia's military academy in 1973.

Two years later Indonesian security forces invaded East Timor. As he rose through the ranks, Mr Yudhoyono completed several tours of duty in the territory. By the time of East Timor's violent transition to independence in 1999, he had been promoted to Chief of Territorial Affairs.

As such he would have reported directly to Gen Wiranto, the former head of the armed forces who has now been indicted for war crimes by a special tribunal in East Timor.

But there has never been any attempt to bring charges against Mr Yudhoyono.

His supporters say he was not part of the inner circle of military commanders accused of allowing the violence to spread.

Honorary award

In fact, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono never quite achieved the highest levels in the military to which he aspired.

His four star General status was an honorary award given to him when he left the army to join the government of Abdurrahman Wahid in 2000.

He started as minister for mines but was soon promoted to chief minister for security and political affairs.

A year later he found himself in conflict with his boss. Facing impeachment, President Wahid asked Mr Yudhoyono to declare a state of emergency. Mr Yudhoyono declined, and promptly lost his job.

In March 2004, history repeated itself. Mr Yudhoyono, reappointed as senior political and security minister under President Megawati, stepped down after a very public spat with the president and her husband.

The decision to resign, according to Denny Ja, executive director of the Indonesian Survey Institute, has paid off handsomely.

President Megawati Sukarnoputri and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former security chief
Mr Yudhoyono was a minister in Mrs Megawati's government
"Even though SBY was a senior member of a deeply unpopular government, he has come to be seen as a victim of that government rather than part of it," said Mr Ja.

Being forced from office under successive presidents seems to have enhanced Mr Yudhoyono's reputation as a man of principle, willing to sacrifice his own ambitions for the values he believes in.

That - and the fact he looks good on TV - could also have proved an important factor in his election win, according to Denny Ja.

"You have to remember that 60% of the population only graduated from elementary school, so they don't investigate candidates too closely," Mr Ja said.

Last Updated: Wednesday, 20 October, 2004, 04:24 GMT 05:24 UK
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Profile: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
By Rachel Harvey
BBC correspondent in Jakarta
sources :

Terima Kasih Pak Presiden, mahon maaf kalau ada yang kurang

thank's for SBY "lanjutkan"

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